Tuesday, December 28, 2010

AMAZING Christmas

This year I had the most incredible Christmas that I have ever experienced in my 35 years. It started with a spectacular Christmas Eve service. My kids and I have recently been visiting a wonderful non-denominational church in Raleigh. It has been life changing for not only me, but for the kids as well. It has been exciting as God has moved in our home as well as our lives and it has come at such a crucial time. It is truly a God thing.

ANYWAY... Friday evening we headed into Raleigh with moaning and groaning from the twelve year old. He was none too happy that he had to go to church on Friday night. The whole trip in, he pouted and huffed. It was so incredibly pleasant. As we walked into the building, he was told by an older woman (this I found out once we were in the car headed home) to smile because it was Christmas. We entered the worship center and made our way over to our normal seats. There was something different about the feel of the room. I have attended MANY Christmas Eve services in my lifetime so I was ready for the traditional Christmas carols and the lit candles with a chorus of Silent Night. Suddenly the room went dark and music filled the air. On the screen in front of us were sketch drawings of the Christmas story 1as the band was playing O Come O Come Emmanuel. My eyes welled up with tears as I watched the story unfold in such a simple yet beautiful way. After the beautiful violins and voices subsided, a man stepped forward; welcoming the crowd gathered and the party began.

For me, I have always felt that Christmas should be a party. It is the day we celebrate the birth of Christ. We do not get all solemn and quiet when we celebrate our own birthdays so why in the world do we go that route for the King of Kings? Well this year, that is what I got, a service of praise. It was AMAZING!! People were singing at the top of their lungs and REJOICING at the most amazing gift this world has EVER received. I have NEVER experienced anything like it! It was an incredibly special service filled with praise for the King of All Kings! I have never experienced the presence of God like the way I did that night. I have never felt it so strong. The cool part was that my kids felt it too and they were excited. For me, that is what it should be. I know that is not for everyone but for me, it was just where God wanted me to be that night.

Christmas morning came at a decent hour, and only a few gifts were opened. We had a small breakfast and got ready. We were making a special trip down town to feed and pass out warm clothing to the 1needy. Anyone who knows me knows I LOVE to take care of people. I love to spend my holidays having people who are alone into my home to eat and make them feel loved1. I love to serve other people and have ALWAYS wanted the opportunity to spend my Christmas taking care of someone other than myself and this year it happened. We headed down town to Share our Shoes where breakfast was served and shoes along with warm clothes were handed out. It was such an amazing blessing. I watched as my twelve and nine year old sat down with small kids and helped them to find shoes that fit. I watched as they took in how many spend their Christmas alone, with no presents1 and without food. It was such an eye opening experience for them both and I think they were just as blessed as I was from the experience. I was ecstatic when they both said that they wanted to do that again soon. More than anything, I want to serve and minister to others with my children. I have never enjoyed Christmas as much as I did this year. We eventually got around to opening presents once the other three of my children were home, but it was not as big of a deal, as it had been in the past. This Christmas was spent sharing the gift of God's love with those who needed to be loved and it filled a huge empty place in my heart.

This year has been a pretty rough year, but God has been so faithful and provided for us in ways that I would have never expected and I am so thankful that I had the opportunity to share and bless someone else the way in which I have been blessed.

Some pics from Share our Shoes event

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

The Bunny Ears

Since moving into our new home, we have only had basic cable. No high def, no DVR and no "on demand". In the past I would have said that the idea of no digital cable was inconceivable but it hasn't been all that bad. I do LOVE my HD TV but have been quite satisfied with not having to pay that monthly cable bill.

We have always enjoyed watching certain weekly shows together and definitely enjoyed said shows in 1080p. A fellow blogger friend introduced one particular show to us which was the joys of Smallville which my boys took to a bit more than I did have but I have to admit that I do watching "the Blur" save the day and especially so in HD.

Now back in the day, this fellow blogger friend would make his way over to our house and watch this beloved show in HD with us but now that we are in our new home, we are seeing less and less of him. Truth be told, I am almost certain it has something to do with the lack of HD in our home and in all honesty, it is hard to go from HD quality to that standard old fuzzy picture BUT we have come to learn that something is better than nothing and had settled for the fuzzy.

SO... one Friday night, my boys and I headed on over to that friends house so that we could enjoy watching "the Blur" save the day in splendid HD. During one of the commercials, I mentioned how the only thing I presently able to view on the 19" high def TV in my room,were DVDs on the blu ray. Now don't get me wrong, there was happiness found in watching my favorite sitcom over and over each night before bed and there was even a bit of gratification found when playing a movie every once in a while but I was really missing those days where I could flip through channels before bed. This is where my friend mentioned rabbit ears. I must have looked confused because he then went on to explain that I could pick up a pair at the local drug store. I must admit that for a moment, I was lost. What did I want a pair of rabbit ears for and how would they help my current high def dilemma? Again, the look of confusion on my face must have led him to the realization that a further explanation was needed. He began explaining that a pair of ears would give me access to some high def tv in my room. WHAT???????? Two months in our new home with no HD TV!! Why was I just now learning about this particular miracle?

We finished our episode of Smallville and headed to the car, where the decision was made that we WOULD be stopping at Target to check out these so-called "rabbit ears". We headed for the electronics section and found the antennas on an end cap. I began looking them over, trying to figure out whether the ten dollar would suffice or if the purchase of the twenty-five dollar pair was necessary. After consulting with the boys, the decision was made to purchase one of both in order to see which would deliver the most superb picture quality. We made our purchase and headed home with our two sets of "bunny ears", one for mom's 19" TV and one for the boys nice 42". I have to admit, I was a little skeptical as to how well these things would work. How in the world could these metal stick thingamajigs deliver the quality picture that Time Warner once brought into my home?

There was excitement in the air. Could it be possible?? Could we actually experience high def TV yet again without the costly price of a cable bill? Once again, I was skeptical but felt certain it was worth a try. We walked in the front door and headed straight to the bedroom. The set-up was easy. The twenty-five dollar number had to be plugged into an outlet as well as into the back of the TV but this process was a breeze and it wasn't long before the searching of channels began taking place. I sat on the edge of my bed with great anticipation as I watched the channel count progress. The bar slowly climbed and when it ended, I had about thirty-five channels. I was in awe.

I took a deep breath and picked up the remote. It was time to test the abilities of those tubular telescoping thingamajigs. I punched in 5.1, which is our local HD CBS channel. And what to my wondering eyes should appear??? HIGH DEF TV!!! It was a miracle!! I was ecstatic at my newfound discovery!

We quickly headed into the boys rooms and set up their "bunny ears". Again, the process was simple and there was even more success as their TV picked up about forty channels. I was impressed to say the least. It was not until two days later thought that the real thrill took place. It was Sunday night and it was time to watch another of our favorite shows, The Amazing Race. We gathered around the big 42" screen in the boy's room. Excitement filled the air as the music began but our eyes grew large as we took in the AMAZING picture that was before us. It was as if we were right there with those contestants taking in the picturesque scene of a foreign land. We were beyond impressed and quite pleased.

This spectacular 42" HD TV has been a part of our lives for about five years. In our former home, we paid for the upgraded digital cable, bought all the expensive cables needed but the picture never seemed to amaze me. I had never seen a picture as clear and vibrant as the picture that we were receiving through our ten-dollar "bunny ears". It was spectacular! Now each time we take a seat in front of our TV to watch our favorite shows, I am reminded all over again how gullible we can be when it comes to the selling techniques of a good salesperson.

We may not have all the digital cable channels, DVR or even "on demand", but by golly we have the MOST amazing picture I have ever experienced on HD TV and we did all for one lump sum of $38.76! What more can a girl ask for?

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

A thought...

One of my greatest frustrations at Christmas is those people too lazy to write out Christmas and choose to replace Christ with an X. It seems these days that we attend holiday programs at school and people attend holiday parties at work or with friends. Rarely do you hear of Christmas programs or Christmas parties to fill our Christmas calendars. I did not really think much about it until I had kids but every year it bugs me more and more because every year we move further and further away from Him. What is happening to this country??

Now the origin for Xmas is not bad if you are writing it in the way in which it was meant. I am of the belief though that there are way too many out there that one, write it that way to be disrespectful and two: totally to denounce the day that celebrates the birth of Christ.

About a week ago I was reading a devotional written by Bill Bright and I had one of those "AH- HA" moments. He talked about God's discipline on this country. People moan and complain about our president and the state of our economy because it is easier to blame someone else for the mess we are in then to take responsibility for where we have taken our country. I believe our president is in office for a reason. I believe God placed him there and I believe that our lack of obedience and our eyes being fixed on worldly things instead of Kingdom things cause the suffering that is taking place. Maybe God is leading us once again to a place of complete brokenness in which we fall on our knees and confess our separation from Him in an attempt to live lives that are worldly and more fitting to our own happiness instead of His glory. I'm just saying. The more we embrace tolerance, the farther we separate ourselves from our Protector.

I do not know if something as simple as saying Merry Christmas and teaching our kids the true meaning will change where this country is headed but maybe it would be a start. I hate to think of where this will all lead and how my kids will be celebrating Christmas with their kids someday.

The following is the devotional:

God's Solutions To Our Problems

Now you do those things that lead to holiness and result in eternal life (Romans 6:22, NLT).

Dear Friends,

Previous messages in this series have summarized the overwhelming evidence of the biblical roots of America and how God has been the source of our nation's blessings, which are absolutely unprecedented in all of history.

Then I explained some of the things that went wrong in the past 50 years, causing this nation to turn from God, making us vulnerable to His chastening, and even in danger of losing our country.

The question is obvious: How can our nation turn back to God?

The answer is not in the world, not in the government, nor in the media. It is simply in God's people -- the church -- who must repent, seek God's face, and meet God's conditions recorded in 2 Chronicles 7:14: "If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land" (NLT).

If God's people do what God requires, He will take care of everything else, "forgive their sin and heal their land." It is a promise.

In a nutshell, we need a great spiritual revival in America. What is revival? It is not just scheduled annual meetings with a sign out in front of the church. Charles Finney, revered as the father of modern revival, called revival a "renewed conviction of sin and repentance, followed by an intense desire to live in obedience to God. It is giving up one's will to God in deep humility."

For revival, the first requirement is for God's people to "humble themselves." In my opinion, there is no other Christian discipline but fasting with prayer that fully meets the conditions of this marvelous promise from God.

By faith we humble ourselves, fast and pray for God's intervention and answers, and by faith we receive. Faith with fasting and prayer move the hand of God.

Another requirement of 2 Chronicles 7:14 is to "turn from their wicked ways." To turn means to repent. God's people must turn from, or repent of, living, thinking, speaking and acting like the world.

Yours for fulfilling the Great Commission each year until our Lord returns,

Bill Bright

Monday, November 29, 2010


I'm sure we all know what happens when we assume.  Assuming can lead us into all kinds of trouble and really set us up for a rather large disaster.  I have learned the hard way and am taking steps to change this particular destructive behavior.   

By making assumptions we:
1. Speak for others
We speak for them. We project our own experiences onto them– we have already seen something take place similar to the situation we are currently in and assume this person or situation to be the same.
2. Miss out on really getting to know someone
We are not accepting someone as they really are, but instead as who we assume they are based on our perceptions.
3. Misunderstand a situation
We can make the assumption that a situation is not as bad as it really is and totally miss that things may actually be falling apart. The reverse would be that we assume a situation is worse than it is and try to fix something that isn’t broken only to find that we really did break it. 
4. Make decisions based on untruths
 We think that we know the facts when we’re really are we are doing is mistaking our assumptions for facts.
5. Are offended 
We assume that the people closest to us know what we’re thinking and what exactly it is that we’re saying forgetting that they cannot read our mind thus becoming offended.

I guess the most effective thing we can do to stop making assumptions is to start asking more questions. When we have all the information needed, we'll stop filling in the blanks with our perceptions or experiences, and have fewer misunderstandings, less conflicts and a whole lot less drama.
If you have found yourself making bad assumptions one too many times, maybe it is time for you to make a change as well. Be warned though; In order to stop making false assumptions, you'll have to check your ego at the door and keep an open mind.  GOOD LUCK 

1.Remember that the only safe assumption to make is that your first assumptions might be false. This keeps your head level and your mind open.

2.Recognize the assumptions you make in everyday life and think about whether they're useful and throw out anything that doesn't help you live more efficiently.

3.Use riddles and other divergent thinking exercises to expand your ability to think critically without making false assumptions. These are some of the best ways to break bad mental habits.

4.Respect other people's ideas. Even though you might disagree with someone else on a hot topic, recognize that her opinion isn't worthless simply because it's not the same as your own.

5.Be as objective as you can in making evaluative decisions. Whether you're at work, at home or with your friends,
be as logical and fair as possible in your judgments.

6.Resist the urge to accept stereotypes. Even though they might be accurate, stereotypes are reductive and can cloud your judgment.

7.Base your judgments only on the most apparent facts. This is the most logical way of doing things, and it'll stop you from making those false assumptions altogether.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Being Real Part 3

There have been many times in my life when I was certain that God had made something very clear to me and then there would be those that would come along and tell me I was wrong. Whenever that has happened, it has always left me bewildered but due to my current circumstances over the past two years, I have been able to rid myself, most of the time, of those voices who like to think that they are the authority on God’s word and listen to His actual voice.

As I have been dealing with all things that have been taking place in my life, I have spent time thinking about my role as a wife and mother as well as what my girls should expect in their spouse some day. Unfortunately, for me, I did not know what to look for and did not fully understand what it meant to seek after Gods will for my life and it has left me in a very bad situation. I never expected that at 35, I would be going through a divorce or dealing with the kind of heartache that I am experiencing. I never thought that the day would come, that the man who has been a part of my life for over half of my life would become my worst enemy. I was not prepared for this but through the grace of God; I am getting through it because of His great strength.

As I began to seek out what God wanted from me as a wife and mother, I had first to recognize what He did not want from me. This concept is extremely difficult as a woman because we believe, women are never wrong and we know best. Yeah right! That’s our problem. We think we know it all and can do it better than someone else can and this is where things begin to fall apart. First, we have to recognize that NO ONE is perfect, that at some point, someone will ALWAYS disappoint us and most importantly, NO ONE is always right. There are so many out there that believe they are the mouthpiece of God and know it all making it there place to tell everyone else what is wrong, totally missing the mess in their own life. If you really think about it, it is just a little amusing. I have come to find these types of people my comic relief because they are so clueless to what is really taking place in the world.

SO, whenever I write it is not to tell the world that my thinking or interpretation is right but instead to share what God has shown to me through my storm. I love those people who do not really want to encourage or give advice but instead appear as if they have it all together and can tell you exactly what you are doing wrong though they have never dealt with what you are dealing with. SO STINKING FUNNY!! If you have never dealt with a divorce, an abusive husband or a haughty pastor, please DO NOT try and give advice telling the cause of issues. Unless you have spent every moment with someone, you should not pretend to know what is required to remedy the situation.

I wrote about the man being the head of the home. Someone didn’t agree and I am ok with that but here’s the thing, check your heart and spend some time praying about it before jumping the gun and dismissing it. I have spent almost two years trying to figure out this stuff. It is not something I just sat down one day and decided to write. God has been showing me through scripture, through godly men I have come across and through women lucky enough to be married to godly men. What I want to say is that if you expect less than what God wants for our homes, then I truly have to pity you. I have been through hell. Not your typical finding out that he leaves dirty clothes on the floor and does not clean off his plate before putting it in the sink. I am talking about being totally disrespected and belittled and I am quite certain that goes against everything Jesus taught us about marriage. Now I could be wrong but once again, I went to church Sunday and could not believe when my pastor began preaching on the very thing I had written about just last week. When others had me doubting, God showed me once again that I was listening and hearing Him loud and clear.

Now the reason this whole issue is important to me is not that I ever want to get married again but instead have three boys who need to be taught what God expects of man as well as two little girls who should only wait around for the very best. This past Sunday, the pastor said something that I do not think I will ever forget and will sit down with my girls until the day they get married, reminding them of this particular story. Our pastor brought up the story of Ishmael and Isaac. He talked about how God promised Abraham and Sarah a child but instead of waiting on Gods time, they took matters into their own hands and Ishmael was born. Much later God followed through with His promise and Abraham and Sarah were blessed with the birth of their own child, Isaac. Our pastor said that we should not settle for an Ishmael but instead wait for our Isaac, the one that He would have for us. That was a profound moment for me and a moment where I knew from here forward, my purpose would be to begin to reshape and mold my children into what God would have for them.

Marriage is not easy and it does require a commitment from both individuals but God did create man to lead and for the woman to be his helper. Many find this a hard concept to swallow because many women do not want to sit back and let someone else take charge. God’s plan is not about equality but instead about order. God did not create man to be “the boss” or to “lord” over their home but instead to be the leader. The equation is simple; “husbands love you wives just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her” + the wife must submit and respect her husband = a home in which God designed. The beginning of this equation is not submission but instead it is love. Love is why Christ died on the cross. When a husband loves, honors, cherishes and treasures his wife, it will produce a natural submission within her. It requires putting someone else before ourselves. It requires selflessness.

Therefore, the role of the wife begins with love. It begins with a total and complete love for God and when that happens, the rest will follow. When God is our focus, it is easy to submit and respect. For many out there, we have found that our husbands were not Christians and this made for a very difficult situation. It means hours of time spent upon our knees praying that God will take hold of their heart and that when He does, those husbands will turn it all over and hold nothing back. We as woman can only do so much. God knows how hard I tried and how much I prayed (for him and myself) but only that man could choose whether to give it all to God or to control it all. If he chooses the later, it will all pretty much fall apart eventually.

All this to say, I believe with all of my heart, that the man sets the atmosphere of his home; if he has a heart for the Lord and a love for his wife that comes from Christ, then the home will be a happy one. We live in a society where it is taught, “that if mom isn’t happy then no one is happy”. This idea has been programmed into our heads putting pressure on the wife to set the tone for the home but this is not the order God set. He clearly made our husbands the natural leader, the one that we as women should desire to follow because of his love for God as well as his wife. From that love, respect and love will follow. God knew what He was doing and designed the perfect plan; all we have to do is obey. God’s will for us is simple; surrender to Him and submission will follow which will then lead to a servant’s heart. It is all about order and true surrender.


This week is the week of Thanksgiving and I have to say that for the first time in a very long time, I am looking forward to Thanksgiving. Though this past year has been hard, I have MUCH more to be thankful for than ever before. I have learned what true family and friendship looks like as well as God’s faithfulness and provision in my life. I have been blessed beyond measure this past year and have seen God work in my life as well as my kids in a way that some never will. I am truly blessed and truly thankful that I have learned to praise Him even in the storm.

I am thankful for God’s unconditional love. A love that covers me and brings me a peace when I feel like there is no hope. I am thankful for His unending mercy that is new every morning and puts a song in my heart. For His grace, like rain that pours over me and makes me clean again.

I am thankful for an amazing family. I am thankful for my five amazing kids that have taught me about love and how to be the mom that they need. I am thankful for a mom and dad, who are honest and walk with integrity. They show love to those whom I feel may not deserve it yet still stand for what is true. I am thankful for a brother and sister, who though may not always be able to be around, make sure I know that they are there for me and love me. I am especially thankful for being blessed with an amazing sister-in-law who loves my kids as if they were her own and loves me as if I were her sister.

I am thankful for my friends. I would have used to count it unfortunate only to have a few friends but over the past year, I have learned that a few are better than many. I am thankful for friends who have walked hand in hand with me and supported me every step of the way.

I am thankful for my new church. A church that my kids love and look forward to going to each week they are with me. I am thankful for a church where people are real and I am being taught truth.

I am thankful for a new start. God makes all things new and He has taught me this lesson in many ways this year and shown me how He can take all of the tiny broken pieces of my life and turn them into something beautiful.

Have a blessed Thanksgiving!!

Friday, November 12, 2010

Five guys and some fries....

Yesterday I had a shop to do at a Five Guys in Raleigh. This has quickly become one of my favorite shops because I LOVE their hamburgers and I usually sign up for as many as I can get each month. Typically these shops have taken place on the weekend but this month I have two that fall during the week. Normally this would not be a problem but I was scheduled to do a shop yesterday and because of the holiday, the kids were home from school. This left me in a bit of a dilemma because it is a little hard to conduct a shop with five kids so a couple were left behind.

My two older boys have been to Five Guys with me before and the 3 year old could have cared less so I went on a special date with my 9 and 7 year old for their first taste ever of 5 Guys. Needless to say these two were quite excited even though they had no clue what Five Guys would have to offer. All they knew was that mommy would go on and on about how much she wanted a Five Guys cheeseburger and today would be the day they would get to experience that delightful heart attack waiting to happen.

The ride took approximately fifteen minutes and that entire ride was filled with questions from the seven year old. Do they have french fries? DO they have hot dogs? What kind of dessert do they have? Is it a big place or a little place? DO they have a drive thru? What do we have to look for on the shop? Can I be the one to check the bathrooms? This went on for the entire drive but it was totally worth it because he keeps me laughing.

Once we finally arrived and placed our order, the 9 year old ordered a tasty hamburger with her favorite toppings; lettuce, onions, ketchup and mayo. The 7 year old decided on a delicious hot dog because those "are his favorite". I then ordered my cheeseburger as well as a large fry. I did not order fries for the other two which led to some complaining but I told them we would share. Now if you have never been to Five Guys, let me explain that an order of fries could feed a small army. With that being said, we sat down and patiently waited for our number to be called. The anticipation was killing them both. They could not sit still. They went back and forth from the table to the condiment counter getting napkins, ketchup and lemon slices for mom. Finally the moment arrived and number 23 was called. My 9 year old jumped to her feet and went to retrieve the brown paper bag. Once to the table she began to empty the contents. Her eyes grew large as she looked into the bag and saw all those french fries. She was amazed.

From there we enjoyed our meal. Every last bite. Plus before leaving, the seven year old decided he was still hungry and wanted to try a cheeseburger. He did but was far more impressed by the hot dog which I found amusing.

I count myself to be quite fortunate. I have been doing shops for about three months now and the rewards are excellent. It is by no means making us rich but it is allowing me special time with my kids and allowing them to do and experience things that they wouldn't otherwise get to do. A certain someone told me a couple of weeks ago that I needed to get off my lazy butt and get a real job. The more I thought about it the more I realized that it came from a place of jealousy. How many people get to take their kids to work, spend special time with them doing fun things and get paid to do it? I spend on average about 20 hours a week doing what I do on top of taking care of five kids on my own. Sometimes life gets crazy but I count it such a blessing that God opened this door for me and allowed me this privilege to be a mom and have a way to make money so that I can spend time with my kids.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

The Perfect Substitute

This posting is TOTALLY off the subject from where I have been writing lately but I feel that this posting needs to be written for it is because of this particular food that I have been able to add 5 lbs to my ever-declining weight and am now up to 120lb.

I go through fazes where I crave certain things to eat. Sometimes it is chocolate and other times dry cereal in a Ziploc bag. Over the past month, it has been pancakes. The problem is that not just any pancake will do. It has to be an IHOP Pancake and I have to eat at least 3.

I highly believe there to be a secret ingredient hidden in the fluffy softness of those sweet cakes that when smothered in butter and hot syrup leaves you wanting more. This became a problem last month when the IHOP special was all you could eat pancakes for dirt-cheap. Sinfully delicious but totally worth the extra pounds :-) Now because of the "all you could eat" special, I now want them ALL the time!

Now as you know, I have recently moved which meant going through a closet of clothes and leaving behind A LOT of stuff. Thanks to my weight loss, my wardrobe has become quite limited but I think I'm loving the new size and as I was going through my closet, and tossing things to the side, I had my mom in my ear saying, "don't throw that out just yet because once you're happy and eating again, you'll probably pork back up." This has become the new joke. Whenever I put something on, and it seems like it just might be a little too tight, I am reminded that I must have found happiness again, as I seem to be "porking" back up! Yay for PANCAKES and all those other sweet things making me truly happy!!!!

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Being Real Part 2

I went on to my blog today and could not believe the response from my posting on Being Real. Not sure, I expected so many to agree or even to respond. Kind of crazy.

So there are a few things I would like to point out and clarify. First would be that as much as it may have sounded like a man bashing, it was not intended to be that way. Am I frustrated? Clearly but at this particular time in my life, I have good reason to be, not that it is ok but it is where I am at this particular place in my life. Are men bad? Absolutely not! I know TOO many good ones who truly love the Lord and walk the walk that they preach/talk. What is bad though is the fact that women are having to take the role of spiritual leaders in their homes and it does not work. It is not a job that any woman would want nor ask for but when there are kids in the home someone has to step up and lead.

The Power of a Praying Wife is an excellent book and is right on in its teaching. I have spent years praying for my husband but have also spent years praying for my heart and attitude toward him. People like to assume they know the whole story as to what has taken place behind closed doors but truly, no one has any idea what people deal with on a day-to-day basis. Here is where my frustration comes from…It comes from a place of men being allowed to disrespect, humiliate, destroy, and gossip about their wives or the women in their churches.

I believe that God has a plan, a structure for the family unit. Maybe I am way off base but I believe this to be true. The following is the doctrine of several churches I have visited and others that I have researched online. I do not believe that man can perfectly perform this role but I do believe that through the Grace of God, we have been given what we need by the Holy Spirit to love one another according to God’s plan making our responsibilities in the home, a doable task.

While not every man aspires to be a leader in the church or in business, every man is called by God to exercise Headship Responsibility in his home. And, while every man is different in personality and skill, the Bible has one standard which any believer can follow. In Ephesians 5:25-26a, Paul sets that standard when says “love your wives, just as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself up for her; that He might sanctify her…”

The restoration of Headship Responsibility begins as men faithfully model the sacrificial love of Jesus Christ in their marriages. First, husbands are to give themselves up for their wives. A husband's personal goals, hobbies, likes and dislikes are to be laid down in order to serve his wife. Husbands are not to use the bonds of marriage to suit their own ends or get their own way. That is not Biblical leadership, it's bullying coercion. Biblical leadership never gives a man the right to get his own way, rather it gives him the responsibility to see that God's will is done in every relationship he leads. That is why Paul continues by showing the goal of this love, always looking for ways that he might sanctify his wife (5:26) or set her apart for God.

Peter agrees that domination produces an ungodly marriage. In 1 Peter 3:7 he says that men are to “live with your wives in an understanding way.” A believing husband is to be a straight-A student of his wife. Here is sacrificial love. Striving to understand rather than be understood always takes personal sacrifice. And, Peter adds, understand her “as with a weaker vessel.” While some think that Peter is pointing out her deficiencies, it is betterto understand that he is exalting her worth. Weaker vessels were often the most expensive, such as china plates are today. Peter is saying live sacrificially with her, without sacrificing your opinion of her.

Peter goes on to say that husbands are to “grant her honor as a fellow heir of the grace of life so that your prayers be not hindered.” In other words, husbands are not to be prideful, but are to live in humility before their wives. Granting her honor as a fellow heir of the grace of life is the same as saying “See her as your equal before God!” A husband who refuses to do this not only hinders his relationship with his wife, but with God as well. How? Peter says his prayers will be hindered. This is probably due to the pride in his life, which makes him think he is above his wife! (cf. 1 Peter 5:5)


The husband's primary responsibility in restoring headship responsibility is to become a servant like Christ. He must give himself up for the best of his wife, always looking to see God's will accomplished in her life, rather than his own wishes met. In contrast to what many men may think, sacrificial service does not destroy the headship role of a husband, rather it is the only way to restore headship the way God intended it

.Men not only dominate their wives at home, but their children as well. In Paul's day, a father could abuse his children without penalty, even sell them into slavery if he so desired. So Paul tells fathers to have the same humble leadership towards their children, by not provoking them to wrath (Ephesians 6:4). Fathers are to put away personal rights for the benefit of their children. They are to be leaders, seeing God's will done in their family, as they, “bring them up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord.”

Perhaps the restoration of headship responsibility is most desperately needed in the home. Sociological studies continue to link the destruction of our society to the deterioration of the home. And as home life decays, so does the next generation of leadership in the church, for church leaders must first be godly leaders in their homes (1Timothy 3:4-5).

Let me just end with I truly believe that with God's help, our families, our homes can be what God desires and had planned. It just requires a lot of faith and trust in Him and not ourselves. What I hope more than anything about these posts is that maybe they will help some other family because I did not have anyone to help mine.

Coming soon: Being Real Part 3 What God says about the role of the wife

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

How Can I Keep From Singing??

I am exhausted but can’t sleep. All I want to do is write. I want to share my heart. I want to share what God is doing because I cannot contain it any longer. When you experience Him, it’s all you can do to keep from shouting His praises from your rooftop. I experienced Him tonight in such an amazing way and I was able to do this with my kids by my side.

I just recently walked in the door from a service at my church. It was a special service of worship, communion and baptism and I watched as my children entered frustrated that they had to go to church on a Wednesday and left being touched by the presence of God. It is not often you are able to experience those moments but when they come, WOW!! The service ended with everyone singing Glory to God including my three year old. I was holding her and worshiping myself and she sang away in my ear “Glory to God, Glory to God, Glory to God, Forever” as loud as her little lungs would let her. My twelve year old, who likes to play the cool kid, has recently let his guard down in church and started clapping and singing. Tonight, he sang as I have never heard him sing before and it brought me to tears. The most amazing part though, was my ten year old choosing not to participate in communion. Now, this might sound odd but he went in with a bad attitude and recognized that he should not take communion because of his attitude. I am so proud of my kids.

I am at a place in my life that I never in a million years thought I would ever have found myself but tonight God really taught me something about myself and about Him. Through all of the heartache, disappointment, pain and tears of the past year, He made it clear that He is not done with me yet. I have five amazing kids and He chose me to be their mother and to teach them about who He is. That is MY job. He created me for this very purpose and tonight He confirmed that very message through my children. I already know that my purpose is to bring Him honor and glory and though I feel like I fail Him so many times, tonight He reminded me that it is right now that matters. From this moment on, I choose to live for His glory and to raise my kids with the same purpose.

Words of a 3 Year Old

We are quite entertained by the three year old that runs the house. The most entertaining part of living with this particular three year is her use of the English language. Today I will share some of this with you.

Whenever at the mall, she will cry to ride the alligator AKA elevator, repeatedly.

In the morning, before leaving the house, she must always brush her teef AKA teeth.

When having chicken nuggets from McDonalds, she always wants sweet teaf AKA sweet tea, to drink.

When everyone is talking, and she wants you to listen to her, she asks that everyone stop talking to her.

When she wants to take a bath, she explains to me that her hair stinks, her feet stinks, her hands stinks, her legs stinks and her hair stinks.

When one of the older four gets upset with her or I have to discipline her, she asks us to be her friend please.

When Emma the kitten is being bad, Gabby puts her in time out. (the coat closet)

When mommy is doing work on the computer and I walk away for a moment, she informs me that she needs to check her SPACEBOOK AKA FACEBOOK.

When wanting to ride in her battery operated car, she says we need to charge the battery car AKA just simply the battery.

She loves to play with her turtle AKA belly button.

When going to the potty she NEEDS nackins AKA toilet paper.

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