Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Divine Appointments
Monday, March 28, 2011
Cupcake Wars is One of the Best Baking Shows on TV
Authored by Rickey Combs
While watching Cupcake Wars on Food Network on satellite TV from CANNONSATELLITE.COM the other night, I was amazed at the strange flavors folks are putting into cupcakes these days. Not that strange flavors are a bad thing, certainly the world needs more than just chocolate and vanilla. But the real attraction to this show are the judges and the contestants themselves.
While the contestants on Cupcake Wars change from week to week, they are all cupcake specialists. These people are generally colorful individuals who take their craft very seriously, as they are all bakery owners withcupcake playe! d into the name of the business somehow. Their talents include filling cupcakes, making cool cupcake designs and toppings, and experimenting with different flavors.
The judges are really some ice cold individuals. Imagine having to taste cupcakes for a living! Candace Nelson is a no-nonsense cupcake bakery owner who is as honest as they come in critiquing the various types of tasty treats sent her way. Florian Bellanger is the second permanent judge, while his accents makes understanding difficult sometimes, he always leaves words of encouragement for the contestants, but is always honest if something just does not work.
The host, Justin Willman, keeps the show on track and takes special care when announcing the winners of each round. As the competition heats up, Justin shows compassion and lets the loser down easy. The personalities and how they relate to the contestants sets Cupcake Wars apart from other baking shows.
From car seats to rain boots...
Saturday, March 26, 2011
Love like no other
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Carp Dime: Things to Say When You Want to Get Punched in the ...
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Where would I be without....
Can we say Phar-mor? Anyone remember that large drug store that existed back in the day. I remember it as my favorite go to place. I did there what I do now at Target. I wondered aimlessly through the store looking for things to buy that I didn't need. I would spends endless amounts of time looking over all the make-up and filling my basket with lipstick colors I would never use. I loved that store.
My dad loved that store too. They used to have movie rentals for $.99 and every Friday we would head to Phar-mor and load up on movies for the weekend. We were a crazy bunch!
Ah days gone by. Now I have Target. I do the exact same thing except now it is lip gloss and I use every bit of it! Couldn't live without it. Truth be told, when I am thinking about where I want to live, there has to be a Target close by. That's the honest truth!
Bolt and 100 dogs
Monday, March 21, 2011
Only in Carolina
So I pick my oldest up from school today and he informs me that he has no school on Friday. WHAT?? The conversation goes as follows:
"And why not?" I ask.
"Because it is a holiday."
"And what holiday takes place this Friday?"
"It's March Madness day!" He exclaims with excitement.
It was all I could do not to laugh! So funny!! I LOVE it here!!!!
Duke plays this Thursday at 9:45PM and UNC plays Friday at 7:15 PM
Friday, March 18, 2011
Quick Fancy Sandwich

A really quick dinner or lunch idea that I have become addicted begins with an English muffin. English muffins are one of my favorite types of bread and it has now become my choice for a sandwich.
Thanks to my job, I have become quite familiar with the Deli counter at the grocery store and have developed quite a liking to Boar's Head Deli meat. This would be the first choice for meat on my sandwich.
Also because of this job, I have discovered Boar's Head Pepperhouse Gourmaise. It is their gourmet mayonnaise and it is SO good.
The quick steps to making this delicious sandwich is simple. I begin by toasting my English muffin. Once done, I melt shredded sharp cheddar cheese on the bottom half. I then spread a little of the mayo on the other half. I then add two slices of the Boar's Head Honey Maple Ham. So good and so easy. Worth the price of the meat!!
Thursday, March 17, 2011
March Madness

It is that time of year again. The madness of living in North Carolina during the NCAA Tournament is just a little bit exciting. OK it is a whole lot exciting!! I love it!

Monday, March 14, 2011
China Tours and so much more....
Last fall, my oldest had a project to complete on China. As part of his project, we had to build a replica of the Great Wall. As we thought through the process of how we were going to construct this great wall in a miniature version size, I began thinking of places I want to see before I am too old to enjoy. I want to tour the beautiful sights of the world. China tours as well as an Italy tour would be at the top of my list. I would love to wander the path of the Great Wall and explore the rich history in the city of Venice. I could go on and on but I guess you get the idea. I want a passport and I want to travel.
Sunday, March 13, 2011
Inventing the Secondary Spill Containment System
I am in the process of inventing new items that every mother needs. I have come up with the idea to create a secondary spill containment system. As moms, we tend to be mopping up spilled milk quite often. The rush of spilled milk has interrupted many a meal. My thinking is to develop a spill containment system that catches the milk before it reaches the floor. Genius right? Somehow, it would fit around the edge of the table so the milk would then run off into the container, flowing down into a tube, which would then lead to a bottle of some sort that would catch it all. You would then be able to pick up the bottle and pour out the spilled milk. Personally, I think it is brilliant!
Collapsible Water Tanks
I was watching TV and saw something interesting. I’m sure they have been around for a while but it was the first time that I had really seen collapsible water tanks. In this particular show, firefighters were using them to hold water for fighting fires. It is quite a brilliant idea. A helicopter flew it in and once it was empty, it collapsed and it was taken and filled again. Impressive. I have decided that I want one. I have kids that will not drink water from a faucet but will however, drink from a water bottle. Maybe if I were to get one of those collapsible water tanks and placed it in the garage, the kids would find it amusing and choose to drink more water. I could always use the outside hose and fill it back up. Any thoughts?
Green Printing
Going green seems to have become the new trend. You are actually considered trendy if you choose to participate in those things that help with our environment. It is now a cool thing to take care of our planet. I think it kind of took a while for people to catch on that we should be taking care of our planet but I guess better late than never. I am fascinated with how everyday it seems that they develop new ways to save energy or reduce waste. There is now green printing. They have also found a way to use bananas. I was walking through a store the other day and found a notebook made of banana paper. I was intrigued. Still am.
Rhinoplasty Surgery
Rhinoplasty surgery. Does anyone else hear rhinoceros whenever that particular phrase is spoken? If someone is already struggling with their looks and feeling self-conscience about their nose, how much does the sound of rhinoplasty surgery being spoken help? Why must we point out that we have this nose on the front of our face that sticks out like that of a rhino? Really? You can’t help but laugh at the image that pops into your head when you think about it. Just makes me sad that there are so many out there that don’t love who they are; a beautiful treasure and gift created by God.
Saturday, March 12, 2011
Why is it that as we age, the thoughts of having recliners in the house seem so sublime? I have gone back and forth with the whole recliner thing. I have owned them, hated them, wanted them, gotten rid of them and now have them as part of a couch. I go through stages where the recliner is the only place that I love to sit. Then one day, I go to sit in my familiar friend and it no longer welcomes me as it once did. I guess that the saying is true, that all good things must come to an end. Why are our bodies so fickle?
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Magical Sleigh Beds
As a little girl, I always wanted a sleigh bed. For me, there was something magical about it. Anything that reminded me of the tall pine trees in the back yard in winter covered with snow was magical.
Whenever I saw a sleigh bed, images of a simpler time would flash through my mind. Images straight from a Jane Austin novel. The idea of being bundled up in a scarf and a muff, riding in a big sleigh pulled by horses through the snow-laden land was ideal to me.
Little girls and their vivid imaginations. We can turn anything in our minds into something magical that will sweep us away to some other time or place. Wonder if one of those sleigh beds would have that affect on me today? Might be worth looking into.
Divine Appointment
I hung out with a friend last night. A friend that I have not seen in almost a year and because of recent circumstances, I was hesitant to do so but God had something different in mind. For months, He had put this person on my heart. I could not let go of her. I could not get her out of my mind. I would dream about her or see something and it would remind me of her. I even began twirling my hair (which is something that I have NEVER done) just like she does. It was weird.
Truthfully, it was not weird, it was God and I recognize that. How many times in our lives has God placed someone on our heart and we might say a quick prayer and move on or do nothing at all? I know I have been guilty of that very thing more than once in my life. Not this time. I began sending messages. I made it clear that I would not give up on her as others had given up on me. I would choose to be obedient, choosing to love and forgive her.
I woke up yesterday with all of the symptoms of the flu. My body was aching, my head hurting and I felt like death. I will admit that meeting her was not on the forefront of my mind when I woke up but half way through the day, it hit me. I felt like I was dying. I did NOT want to leave the house. I wanted to stay in my bed and sleep. I then felt that oh so gentle tugging in my heart. I knew God wanted me to go. I knew I had to go. I went.
Thank you God for your amazing love and forgiveness. Thank you for the gift of Your Spirit that allows us to love and forgive as You have loved and forgiven. Open wounds are now beginning to heal. What does God have for me next?
“Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins.”
1 Peter 4:8
“Do not judge, and you will not be judged. Do not condemn, and you will not be condemned. Forgive, and you will be forgiven.”
Luke 6:37