Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Vancouver Kayaks

Recently I sat down and wrote out my Bucket list. There are so many things that I want to do. There are places that I want to visit.  Some are even here on my own continent.  I would love to kayak down a river or walk through a beautiful park.

One place that intrigues me and that I would love to visit is Vancouver, BC.  From the pictures, I have seen it looks amazingly beautiful.  The trees, the water and the city draw me in as if it were a magical place. 

As I explored a little about Vancouver I found that it was named "Top City of the Americas" in Condé Nast Traveler magazine's 2009 Readers' Choice Awards.  It was said that Vancouver offers amazing opportunities for outdoor adventure like kayaking. There is biking, walking trails and parks displaying its scenic beauty. Vancouver Kayaks just might be worth checking out. What an experience. Now to find a way to make it happen.

College Student Casseroles

Guest post written by Nina Karrigan

One of the best parts about being in college, in my opinion, is that you have complete freedom. One of the parts that I'm taking advantage of as far as that goes is that I just like to cook whatever I want when I want. I'm actually taking advantage of a whole bunch of those things. I've been eating dessert quite a few times.
But I'm always looking forward to finding some really great new dessert recipes. While I was browsing through some new ones, I ran across the website After I looked through it some, I sent it over to my mom, who's been looking for a new home internet service.

But I'm into quick dorm cooking, more than the long, drawn-out ones. See, you don't have to spend a whole bunch of time whipping something up. It probably wouldn't be all that rewarding if I spent all this valuable studying time just cooking up a storm. That would defeat the purpose of going to college, which is the main goal here.

Saturday, August 27, 2011


I decided to make a list of all God has provided since our move.  Now be mindful that this is not everything.  There is no way I can remember every single things as it has been many and I did not write them all day.  My purpose though for this post is simply to share the faithfulness of God in my life as well my children.

A home: We were forced to leave our home but God provided us with a place to live through a friend.

Food: Between friends and neighbors we have received countless bags of groceries.  God provided me with a job where some of the groceries I purchase are reimbursed. Our pantry and fridge have yet to be empty.

Car battery: The battery in my car died and a new one was purchased by friends.

Dinners out: God provided me with a job that allows me to take the kids out every once in a while where I am reimbursed for what I spend.

Vacation: God provided my kids their annual trip to the beach through my parents.

Cats: We were able to bring our cats with us to our town home and did not have to pay the pet deposit. God provided a job that reimburses me for the purchase of many of the cats needs. 

New appliances: The complex in which we live completed upgrades throughout the community giving us all new  appliances which are more energy efficient. 

Safety: God protected our home from a fire.

I know this list goes on.  There is so much more.  For me, this list serves at an amazing reminder.  God is faithful. He provides our every need.  We have no need to fear tomorrow. 

Bus or not to bus

I participate in car pool with all five of my children.  I spend about an hour every day sitting in car pool either waiting to drop off or pick up.  No one rides the bus.  

Before we moved, my elementary aged children rode the bus home every afternoon. It was convenient.  Once we moved they were nervous about riding a new bus and so I agreed for the time being to pick them up from school.  It stuck.

Let me explain why.  Sitting in car pool is not my most favorite thing in the world.  It is stop and go for about fifteen minutes or longer.  People in car pool ahead of you can be annoying.  The crossing guard not letting anyone move can be annoying but then the moment arrives.  It is my turn to pick up my kids.  

The smile spreads across my face and the talking begins.  Regardless of age or grade they begin chattering away.  I get to hear about their day whether good or bad.  I get a little insight into just what their day is like and who their friends are and it makes every moment of those minutes waiting in carpool worth it.

Yes it would be convenient for them to ride the bus.  Yes it would save some gas. Someday though I will look back on our moments together in the car and be thankful I sacrificed that gas and my time for the conversation.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Mining Company in Canada

One of my favorite movies is Far and Away.  It is one of those movies that I find myself watching over and over.  I love thinking back to the day when people rode horses and traveled in covered wagons.  It was a time where family and friends were appreciated and people worked hard for what they had.

At the end of that movie the characters have traveled west to California in order to claim their land and mine for gold.  They set out in a race for the best piece of land giving them the ability to obtain large acres of land to settle and begin their lives.  It involved a lot of hard work but I can't get past the excitement that had to come with it as well. How cool would it be to own a piece of land not knowing what type of treasure who may find?

I know how much I love going to the beach and sifting through the sand looking for that rare seashell.   I could spend hours sitting there looking through hand fulls of sand in hopes of finding my next great treasure.  
I wonder if I would have that same kind of patience in mining for gold. There is a mining company in Canada that
that is selling gold claims.  I wonder what they cost?   I wonder if mining for gold is the same as searching for sea shells?  Can't you just picture me sitting in my beach chair with my plastic sifter?

Maybe it would be worth checking into this mining company in Canada.  What an adventure that would be.

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