Don’t you hate it when someone says, “Do you mind if I share an observation for you?” Don’t you just want to reply, “YES, I DO mind. Now please go back to Observationville and I’ll call you when start to run low on observations.”
One of the worst things about being corrected is the way your face feels. You want to smile and look “receptive,” open and humble, yet your face essentially feels like it’s made out of Plaster of Paris and is about to crack into a thousand pieces. On the outside your face says, “Yes, I can see what you’re saying. Hmmm. No, I didn’t realize that every time I open my mouth you feel like I’m tazering you. Thank you so much for sharing this with me.” But inside you are saying to yourself, “Don’t cry. Don’t cry. Don’t cry.”
So here are some suggestions for how to receive correction.
First, take a lesson from the CIA, whose motto is “Admit nothing, deny everything, make counter-accusations.” The minute someone begins to correct you, even before they’ve finished their first sentence, launch your offensive: “Why are you always attacking me and tearing me down? Why can’t you support me for once? Aren’t there enough dogs in the street that you have to start kicking me?” Do this at least 23 decibels louder than you normally speak.
This should take your would-be “observer” off guard. They may be speechless for a moment, which will give you the opportunity to launch your second fusillade: the guilt trip. “After all I’ve done for you, this is the thanks I get? Whatever happened to encouragement? You know the last time you encouraged me? In the Truman administration! Why do I even bother trying to do anything nice for anyone if this is what’s going to happen to me?”
Now they may gently point out they haven’t actually even said anything to you yet. Don’t be put off by this. Launch stage 3: Play the ‘Woe is me’ card. “I’m sorry for snapping like that. It’s just that I’ve been under so much stress lately. My pet lizard, ‘Lucky,’ died last week and all the crickets I’d fed him got out of his cage and my whole house became infested and the city came and condemned it. They accused me of being a hoarder, just because I like to collect things. On top of that, I had to get rid of my 32 cats. It’s just been terrible. I don’t think I can take any more.”
If your observer hasn’t left yet, launch stage 4: The downcast listener. “Ok, give me your observation. I need to be teachable. Tell me how bad I am. Tell me what a loser I am. I need to hear it. It’s good for me. Just let me grab some kleenex first.” Then look at them with sad watery eyes. Sniff and wipe your nose.
If at this point, they still have gumption to actually give you an observation, repeat tactic 1: “Oh, right – I’M insensitive. Well what about last Sunday when you snubbed me at the coffee bar? What? You didn’t see me because of how crowded it was? Talk about insensitive! If you didn’t see me, why weren’t you concerned? Oh right. You were reaching out to a guest. Well, I guess I just have to try to be more sensitive to YOU, Mr. Outreach.”
Get the idea? It’s not that hard. Put these simple techniques into practice and soon you’ll be correction free like I am.
Written by Mark Altrogge
There is nothing like having a three year old around the house, especially when they are the youngest of five. Her oldest sibling is almost 13, which means she hears all kinds of things and then repeats it all. What I find comical is how she repeats those phrases, and is able to use them in the correct context. Sometimes it blows my mind but it ALWAYS makes me laugh.
A few weeks ago, we were heading out for the day to run errands. All the kids were getting into the car but two were fighting over who would be sitting in the very back. I had had enough of the arguing and told one of them to move to the back. This particular child began arguing with me, which led me to inform him that if he did not move, he was grounded. Out of the chaos I hear, "Oh Snap! Brett is going to get his butt spanked." With that, laughter exploded within the car.
Back around Christmas, the girls were helping me make Christmas cookies. My oldest daughter was talking to the youngest about which cookies should be left for Santa. The three year old chimed in stating that she did not want to leave cookies for Santa. She said that if he came he might eat her instead.
The three year old is afraid of things that make loud noises. Whenever I pull out the vacuum cleaner, she immediately runs around picking up any of her toys off the floor and yells, "Mommy, this is not a good idea." Cracks me up every time.
Yesterday we were doing shops. She had been talking my ear off all afternoon. I had reached my breaking point. As we were walking out the door of the last shop, I couldn't take anymore and said "OMG". She quickly replied "Oh my Gabby. Cause Gabby starts with G." Suddenly the stress was gone and I was laughing yet again.
When we go to do shops, most places have what she calls a "baby buggy". She typically grabs her buggy and pulls out her map (a piece of paper with her drawings on it). I am then told to follow her because she is the leader. If I happen to get ahead of her, she stomps her foot and says, "Mommy, I am the leader. Follow me. I have the map." It usually gets the attention of other customers in the store and they find it quite funny as well.
Never a dull moment with a three year old who LOVES to talk. More to come….
I had an interesting comment left for me by someone two days ago on my Zephaniah blog. I always love anonymous comments. Those comments are the ones left by people who are looking to take a jab in order to make a point but also too scared to stand behind what they believe.
This comment left me to research online why people hide behind anonymity. It is quite interesting that we tend to use a fake name or anonymous when we want to lash out at someone or make a loud statement without having to face the crowd. Many articles call those kinds of people cowards. I tend to agree.
Everyday bloggers around the world put their thoughts out there for "the world" to see. We air our opinions, life stories or share our heart only to be slammed by those who cannot even be honest in who they truly are. Why is that?
Some articles claim that it comes from jealousy. Those who use anonymity are jealous of those who are not afraid to be transparent because those that use anonymous want to be transparent. Other articles claim that it comes from people who are just plain mean. Still yet, other articles suggested that people comment using their real name and then use anonymous in order to play devil's advocate just to stir up a debate.
I do not know the reasons of those that choose to comment on my blog with anonymous and truly, I do not care. I just know that I am proud of myself for being able to speak up and for not being afraid to share my opinion. That in itself is a huge accomplishment for me. My first year of blogging I spent so much time worrying about those anonymous comments and constant slams, pretty much taking it all to heart. The past two years have made me tough and now, I read those comments with a smile and can accept that not everyone likes me or will agree with my opinion. I have grown through my writing and God has taught me many things about myself as well as others through it all. Because of those things, I will continue to write and read the blogs of others out there like me.
As I was driving home from dropping the kids off at school this morning, I had a thought. No surprise there since I do a lot of my thinking while driving.
I write two blogs and keep a photo blog of the kids. Some day when I'm gone, my kids will have those photos to go back and look at as well as read things I have written. I decided while I was driving that I am going to write more on this blog for them. I am going to focus more on telling stories about myself growing up, funny stories I remember about them, some of our favorite things to eat as well as movies and shows we watch together.
We are so blessed to live in a time where technology makes it easy to access so much. It makes keeping up with the things going on around us so much easier. I realized this morning that once I'm gone, my writing would still be there for them to read and remember. Kind of a cool thing!! I wish this form of technology had been around when my grandparents and great grandparents were younger. I love history and LOVE to hear about how things were for them back in the day.
So here's to making my blog a bit more personal but hopefully more fun as well. We'll see how it goes.
So, I have been sick. We're going on over a week now and I'm feeling pretty tired and crappy. Though my body is tired, I still gathered up all the kiddos yesterday morning and we made our way to church. I will admit I contemplated staying home because I just felt so dag-gum bad. Overall, it was a good choice, the kids left church with smiles on their faces, and I left with renewed strength.
Then we get home. Everyone headed to the kitchen to fix lunch. There were sandwiches being made, Chef Boyardee and I had a strawberry Pop-tart. I was sitting at the table with my three year old as she worked on her cheese sandwich. My nine year old was preparing herself a bowl of Beefaroni. She was becoming a bit frustrated as it was taking forever for her noodles to get warm. At one point, she sat at the table and began eating only to become discouraged that the middle was still cold and so she returned to the microwave.
My eleven year old was talking to me as the nine year old tried making her way back to the table. She attempted walking between the eleven year old and bar top while carrying her hot bowl. She didn't make it. She dropped the bowl. Noodles went everywhere. I couldn't look. I just sat there. I then asked if it was on the carpet. I sat for a moment not because I was mad but because I felt like death. I did not feel like getting up and spending an hour cleaning tomato sauce from the carpet.
Sure enough, when I stood, there was tomato sauce and noodles all over the off-white carpet. The nine year old was already on her knees picking up the noodles that lay scattered on the floor. I sent the eleven year old up the stairs to grab my secret weapon. Now at that moment, I did not realize it was going to be my secret weapon but instead thinking it was the best shot I had at fading this mess.
The child returned with the blue bottle and we equipped ourselves with paper towels and damp washcloths. I began spraying all of the red spots. The nine year old was eager to scrub but I made her wait. We gave it a few moments to soak and then we began to work. We gently scrubbed those spots and watched as the red tomato sauce was pulled away from the threads of carpet. I sat there just a bit in shock.
As a mom of five, I have had much experience with Mr. Chef Boyardee. I have witnessed many a white t-shirt stained forever by those tomato-covered noodles that are accidentally dropped when partaking in the delectable cuisine. I did not feel there was any hope for the poor carpet. I felt it was doomed to be stained forever. Alas, I was wrong. I know, first time for everything.
I know you are asking yourself, "what WAS that secret weapon she used?" Nothing special. Just a bottle of Woolite Oxi Deep Carpet Cleaner. Needless to say, I was impressed and have now added this product to the list of must haves for moms.
I stumbled upon this and it had me cracking up laughing so I decided to share.
So you finally learned to play the guitar and now you’re wondering, “How do I write a truly awful worship song?”
You’ve come to the right place, my friend. Here are some sure fire ways to write a truly horrible worship song.
Recycle a Love Song.
Write a song for your girlfriend. When she breaks up with you, convert it into a worship song. Be sure to change all uses of “girl” or “baby.”
Use Time Tested Rhymes.
Make sure that you rhyme “love” and “above” at least twice. The song becomes doubly awful if you can also incorporate the word “dove.” Example: “You sent your love from above, makes my heart feel like a pure white dove.” You get the point.
Be Vague About Your Theology
Make sure to avoid any theology at all costs. Don’t talk about atonement, wrath, or any other biblical concepts. You want your song to be all about feeling. Don’t let the mind get in the way. Repeat after me: “Worship is a warm feeling, sort of like heartburn, only better.”
Make the Song All About You
The main point of your song should be your experiences and how God makes you feel. Don’t bother with objective truth about God. I would suggest that you use the words “I” or “me” at least 12-15 times. For example, “I feel like singing, yes, I feel like spinning, because You make me feel so good inside. Like it’s my birthday, but more awesome.”
Be Incredibly Poetic
If you can, muddy the waters with poetic phrases that don’t make much sense. Example: “Your love is like a warm summer’s breeze, washing over my heart like a crystal river.”
Use Well-Worn Musical Progressions
If you can, keep your music and melody boring. I would suggest that you use no more than four distinct notes in a song, so that by the time someone is done listening to it they want to scream. A worship scream, but a scream nonetheless. It also helps if you use the chords G, C, and D over and over.
Defend Your Song Like It’s Your Firstborn Child
Do not, I repeat, do not, let anyone make suggestions for improvement. Tell people that God laid the song on your heart. Tell people that you really want to preserve the artistic integrity of the song. Tell people that you already did the song at your campus ministry and that a revival broke out. Don’t take advice from anyone.
There you have it. Seven ways to write a terrible worship song. You can thank me later.
What else would you add to the list?
Written by: Stephen Altrogge
Day three of 21: It is only day three but I am feeling God speaking to me loud and clear. Again, I will wait out the complete 21 days to see what God continues to show me. Here is what God showed me today in my quiet time through two different devotionals that I read.
This is what I read this morning written by Rick Warren…
"We see, then, that they were not able to enter the land, because they did not believe."
Hebrews 3:19
The saddest verse to me in the entire Bible is today's verse. It says the people of God were not able to enter the Promised Land because of unbelief.
Think about this: For 400 years, God planned the liberation of the Israelites from Egypt. To convince Pharaoh to let them go, God sent the various plagues to Egypt. He opened the Red Sea and He fed the Israelites with manna and quail. He took care of all of their needs as He brought them to the edge of the Promised Land.
But at the point of decision, God's people say, "We can't do it." And the bible says because of their unbelief, they were not allowed to go in and they missed all that God had planned for their lives.
WOW! Why am I so stubborn and unbelieving? Why do I have a hard time trusting God. He is the same God that Moses served and trusted? Why did the Israelites witness all that God had done and still chose not to believe? It's like that story I have heard pastors tell repeatedly about the man stuck on top of the building and needing to be rescued. All kinds of people come by with ways to help him but he says no because he's waiting on God. You know the story. I feel like we are always looking for that "parting of the red sea" moment and often times miss Him.
The devotion goes on to say…
I do not want that to happen to you. I do not want you to miss what God has planned for your life simply because you were afraid or unwilling to take a step of faith. Your unbelief limits God.
We must choose to obey God in faith. Every times we trust God's wisdom and do whatever He says to do, even when we don't understand it, we deepen our relationship with God.
Understand, though, we obey God, not out of duty or fear or compulsion, but because we love Him and trust that He knows what is best for us. We want to follow Christ out of gratitude for all He has done for us, and the closer we follow Jesus, the deeper our relationship with Him becomes.
Makes me stop and think about how often we say we will leave it in God's hands to take care of things but still try to control it. Do we really trust Him enough to lay it all down and give Him complete control?
Here is how Rick Warren ended it…
The greatest tragedy this year would be for you to stand at the edge of your destiny, but to be afraid to enter into all that God has planned for you. Your obedience in moving forward—to take risks and step out in faith- will release God's power in you.
What are you afraid of in 2011? Whatever it is, it doesn't stand a chance when you do whatever God tells you to do. There is no reason to be afraid. The Lord is on our side.
I feel like this was written just for me. It is like my own personal message from God but why do I still find myself doubting or unsure? After reading this devotion, I went on to the next, which was titled, God's daily promise to me about Taking Jericho. Here is what it said…
"Be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the Lord your God is with you wherever you go."
Joshua 1:9
Imagine this scene for a minute. You're a captain in Joshua's army camped a few miles outside the city of Jericho. You've seen the thick, double-layered stone walls surrounding the city and armed soldiers guarding every entrance. You've heard tales of the fierce Canaanite army and their ability to hold their ground in battle.
In the midst of all of this, an edict comes down from the upper ranks. Israel is planning to take Jericho. Actually, what the message says is that Israel has already taken Jericho, but Jericho just doesn't know it yet. The battle plan is really no plan at all. You're supposed to get your troops together and conduct a victory march around the city. Just once- for six days in a row. Then on the seventh day, you're to march seven times around the city. That's when your soldiers can march in and take possession.
The next day you're marching around the city, and you can't help but hear the taunts coming from inside the walls. You know how silly this all look, but you keep marching just the same. Because you know that God is on your side, and you've seen what He can do.
This is why God reminded Joshua time and again to "be strong and courageous." God has a way of working that tends to fall outside the norm, and he needs people who trust Him enough to go the distance, no matter how bizarre the game plan. Courage is important to God because courage is a natural byproduct of trust. And the greater we trust, the braver we become. As long as God leads the battle, we can march in confidence, knowing that we've already won. God gave Jericho to Israel on the seventh day, just as He said He would. So,…what wall does He have you marching around?
Is anyone else feeling what I'm feeling? Are you in awe of God right now like I am? Could God make Himself anymore clear? Why do I allow people to get inside of my head and make me doubt what God is clearly showing me? These next eighteen days are going to be tough yet interesting. This is so exciting!
" But exhort one another every day, as long as it is called "today," that none of you may be hardened by the deceitfulness of sin."
Hebrews 3:13
Godly friends exhort one another to pursue godliness. They ask tough, awkward and probing questions that dig deep into the heart and expose sinful desires. True godly friends aren't afraid to get down and dirty because they truly care for me and do not want my heart to become hardened by the deceitfulness of sin. Sin is deceitful, and many times, we fail to see our sin accurately. Godly friends help each other see their sin accurately by asking tough questions.
As I read Hebrews 3 this morning, I was reminded again "Today if you hear His voice, do not harden your hearts as you did in the rebellion, during the time of testing in the desert". Hebrews 3:7-8. There were so many times last year that I pulled away from God out of fear and a lack of faith that I missed what God had waiting for me. I was too busy trying to seize control of the areas in my life that had me worried instead of giving them over to God and I was lacking support from godly friends. This ended up being a blessing in disguise as it led me to spend more time with God. During this time, it led me open to hear what He wants for me verses what people think that He wants from me. One of the things He has shown me is to examine those areas in my life and those I surround myself with to see if they are encourage me to walk in truth. I have learned that when I surround myself with truth there is peace and blessing in my life verses heartache and pain. It is not just circumstances that cause us pain but relationships with people who do not always look to truth that can lead to pain as well. I found these seven questions online that made me sit down and think about the relationships in my life and what I expect of them. I think it is a step in the right direction.
_Have you been consistently pursuing the Lord through scripture reading and prayer?
Above anything else, I want to make sure that my friends are faithfully pursuing the Lord. If there is a deficiency in reading scripture and prayer, there will be a deficiency in their relationship with the Lord.
_Have you diligently pursued your wife/husband this week?
This questions applies to married folks only. Our relationship with our spouse is our second most important relationship after the Lord. If I'm not diligently investing in my relationship with my spouse, there's a problem.
_Have you seen any persistent patterns of sin in your life recently?
Sin usually isn't an isolated event. The same sin usually occurs multiple times in different contexts. It's crucial that we help each other identify patterns of sin.
_Last week you confessed struggling with [insert sin]. Have you taken steps to fight it this week?
It's not enough to just confess sin. We want to help each other actively fight against the sin that we confess.
_When you gave into [insert sin], what were you believing about God in that moment? What were you believing about yourself?
Sin is the result of believing lies about God and about ourselves. We sin in worry because we believe that God isn't taking care of us. We sin in lust because we believe that it will satisfy us more than God. We sin in anger because we feel that our "rights" have been violated. Sin is the result of believing lies.
_What is the truth that you need to believe in this situation?
We fight against the lies of sin by believing scriptural truth. We must help each other see how scripture applies to every area of our lives.
_When you had the conflict with [insert person], what were you craving at that moment?
Scripture tells that conflict is the result of cravings. James 4:1-2 says, "What causes quarrels and what causes fights among you? Is it not this, that your passions are at war within you?
You desire and do not have, so you murder. You covet and cannot obtain, so you fight and quarrel." Cravings underlie conflict.