So thankful today for God's faithfulness over the past year. So thankful for this new place in my life and that I'm no longer where I was November 1 of last year. He's brought me so far! I'm so incredibly blessed!!
Thursday, November 1, 2012
Sunday, September 30, 2012
Monday, September 24, 2012
Sunday, September 16, 2012
Truth is truth...
A truth I am teaching my children. Just because someone tells you something does not mean it is true even if everyone else around you believes it to be true.
There are those in the world who are set out to hurt us. Those who
want to bring about destruction. Those who are used by the enemy to
create chaos and harm simply by lying. Each day my children are faced
with those who would stand in front of their innocent minds and speak untruths
to them. Those people who do not care about the effects they are having
on the self-esteem of my children and the way in which my children will one day
see themselves. These are individuals driven by something dark.
Something that lurks in the shadows of this world wanting to devour the
good that still exists. Thankfully as a mom, God has given me the words
to speak into the lives of my children in order to help them understand what is
true. I have recited Philippians 4:8-9 many times with my children hoping
to instill in them what God's truth says..
And now, dear brothers and sisters, one final thing. Fix your
thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and
admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise. 9 Keep putting into
practice all you learned and received from me—everything you heard from me and
saw me doing. Then the God of peace will be with you.
When they come home confused by the latest tells they have been told, we
sit, pray and talk about what we know to be true. We talk about how they
are unconditionally loved by God and that He holds each of them in His
hands. That God has great plans for each
of their lives and when they choose to follow Him and not the world, He will do
great things with them. It never takes them long to regain proper perspective
and to remember all that they know to be true. That God is good and
faithful to those who choose to follow Him.
And now, dear brothers and sisters, one final thing. Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise. 9 Keep putting into practice all you learned and received from me—everything you heard from me and saw me doing. Then the God of peace will be with you.
When they come home confused by the latest tells they have been told, we sit, pray and talk about what we know to be true. We talk about how they are unconditionally loved by God and that He holds each of them in His hands. That God has great plans for each of their lives and when they choose to follow Him and not the world, He will do great things with them. It never takes them long to regain proper perspective and to remember all that they know to be true. That God is good and faithful to those who choose to follow Him.
Wednesday, September 12, 2012
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
The Launch
Our church family |
Friday, July 20, 2012
The Vow
Wednesday, June 27, 2012
This article was so beneficial to me and I wanted to share in hopes of helping others who may have found themselves in destructive relationships. God makes all things new!!!
How to Break Destructive Relationship Patterns
Whitney Hopler Contributing Writer
Editor's note: The following is a report on the practical applications of Tim Clinton and Pat Springle's new book, Break Through: When to Give In, How to Push Back: The Moment that Changes Everything (Worthy Publishing, 2012).
Are you caught in a dysfunctional relationship with someone? Perhaps you’re letting others control you, such as by tolerating an abusive marriage or enabling a friend’s addiction because you’re afraid of losing the relationship if you speak up. Or maybe you’re trying to control others, such as by making unreasonable demands on a coworker or rescuing your children when they make mistakes rather than letting them learn from the consequences. Such “one up, one down” relationships are built on power instead of on the trust and respect that God wants people to have for each other.
The good news is that your close relationships don’t have to be painful. If you’re willing to change destructive relationship patterns in your life, God will help you break free from them and enjoy healthy relationships. Here’s how you can break destructive relationship patterns:
Get to know what true love is like. Study how Jesus related to people during His life on Earth to see what true love in action looks like: Jesus neither manipulated nor deceived people, and He never tolerated others trying to manipulate or deceive Him. Instead, Jesus spoke the truth to people and let them freely make their own choices about how to respond. Jesus valued people for who they were rather than for what they could do for Him. Make Jesus your role model for how to relate to all people in your life.
Answer God’s wake-up calls. God will often allow crises to come into your life to wake you up to the fact that one or more of your relationships is dysfunctional and needs your attention to heal. If you’re going through a crisis that’s causing heartache in your life (from a divorce to a financial collapse), ask God what He wants to teach you about your relationships through that crisis. Let your crisis draw your attention to the fact that your unhealthy relationships are actually costing you more than they’re giving you. Decide to begin the process of changing the way you relate to people so you can enjoy more peace in your life.
Repent of idolatrous relationships and choose to love God the most. Realize that any relationships in which you tie your identity to either someone else’s opinion of you or your ability to fix or rescue them reflect the fact that you’ve made that other person an idol in your life. Only God truly has the power to shape your identity or fix or rescue another person. God alone can meet your deepest relationship needs. So confess and repent of idolatry in your life, and move God to His rightful place at the center of your life as the one you love most. Invest more time and energy into nurturing your relationship with God than you do into any other relationship. When God becomes your top priority in life, all of your relationships with people will become healthier as a result. Enjoying a close relationship with God will make you sensitive to any sin (such as destructive ways of relating to others) that interferes with that relationship, and motivate you to grow closer to God every day.
Pray to break relationship strongholds of sin in your life. Ask God to help you identify specific strongholds of sin that are affecting your relationships. Then pray about each of those strongholds, confessing and renouncing the sins that relate to them and exercising your God-given authority over evil. Ask God to release you and the people you’re in relationships with from all negative spiritual forces associated with each stronghold. Thank God and receive the forgiveness He offers you. Follow God’s guidance to make appropriate restitution to any people you’ve wronged through your past sins.
Hold up mirrors of truth and love to your relationships. Evaluate the state of your relationships regularly by considering how well they do or don’t line up with biblical principles, by asking the Holy Spirit to give you wisdom regarding your relationships, and by discussing your relationships with some trusted friends who support your healing process and will speak the truth to you. Each of these practices is like holding up a mirror to relationships so you can see them more clearly from God’s perspective.
Base your identity on your relationship with God through Jesus. When your identity is rooted where it should be – in God’s love for you – you’ll gain the confidence you need to develop a more secure style of relating to others, such as boldly identifying and communicating your thoughts and feelings to them.
Choose to trust wisely. Ask God to give you the discernment you need to know when to trust people and when they’re not worthy of your trust. Decide to trust the most important people in your life to God, who has much more power than you do to help them.
Take responsibility appropriately. Pray for the wisdom to know which responsibilities are truly yours to handle, and which are not. Then take back responsibility for your own decisions from others who have inappropriately tried to control you, and set boundaries to protect yourself from taking on responsibilities that other people should be handling.
Confront people with whom you want to change your relationships. You must speak the truth to people with whom you’ve shared dysfunctional relationships, so you can work to change those relationships for the better. Don’t expect the people you confront to be happy about it; they’ll likely be upset at first and try to convince you to stop your efforts to change your relationship with them. Stay strong, however, and eventually they may learn new, healthier ways of relating to you. Prepare a written agenda for your meetings with people, and focus only on a few major issues in your relationship instead of every way you all have hurt each other. Speak calmly, listen carefully, and clarify what people say to you. Apologize for what you’ve done wrong and ask people to reflect on how they’ve wronged you and pray about what God may want them to do about it.
Pursue forgiveness. Ask the people you’ve hurt to forgive you, and follow God’s command to forgive the people who have hurt you. But keep in mind that, while forgiveness is a gift you give people, people must earn your trust back over time.
Look toward the future with hope. You can be hopeful about the future as long as you remain committed to renewing your mind with thoughts that reflect biblical truth and relating to others in healthy ways. Over time, you can fulfill more of God’s purposes for your relationships.
Wednesday, June 20, 2012
Monday, May 14, 2012
Thoughts of my mom
Monday, April 23, 2012
The Lucky One
Saturday, March 24, 2012
Love just needs to be true
Love never gives up.
Love cares more for others than for self.
Love doesn't want what it doesn't have.
Love doesn't strut,
Doesn't have a swelled head,
Doesn't force itself on others,
Isn't always "me first,"
Doesn't fly off the handle,
Doesn't keep score of the sins of others,
Doesn't revel when others grovel,
Takes pleasure in the flowering of truth,
Puts up with anything,
Trusts God always,
Always looks for the best,
Never looks back,
But keeps going to the end.
1 Corinthians 13:1-7 The Message
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
Back to where I started
Thursday, February 23, 2012
Something to think about...
When did you last tiptoe out of the sanctuary when you dare not say a word? The church has to rediscover two things. One, the majesty and the Holiness of God, and the other, the sinfulness of sin." ---Leonard Ravenhill
Friday, January 13, 2012
HELLO 2012! I've been waiting along time for you....
Monday, January 9, 2012
In my own little corner....
Saturday, January 7, 2012
The Next Three Days
Two years ago a movie was released titled The Next Three Days. When I saw the previews I knew it appeared to be something I would be interested in seeing. Then I read the reviews. No one seemed to be impressed by it and so I decided to save my dollars and wait for the Redbox.
Let me preface with saying that I LOVE movies. I LOVE going to the movies. The smells and sounds excite me. Even more though, I LOVE seeing movies on the big screen verses my little screen at home which means when I've missed seeing something because I've listened to the opinion of another, I am not very happy.
So last year sometime, when The Next Three Days was released at the Redbox, I snagged it. I was not overly excited to see it due to the reviews I had read but eager to press play. You would think this lesson would have been learned a long time ago as this has happened to me more than once, but the reviews were wrong and I LOVED it.
Here recently it has been available on Netflix for instant watching. I have probably already watched it ten times just this past week. Understand though that I do not sit in front of the tv all day. Even at this very moment as I'm typing this post in my small office, it is playing in the other room. For some reason, it offers me some sort of hope. In a way, it is a reflection of my past few years.
If you haven't seen it, watch it. You'll probably understand exactly what I'm talking about once the movie is over. If you have never been in a situation where all the evidence stacked against you seems true, you may miss my point. If you have experienced this sort of thing, watch it. See if it doesn't make you stop, think and give you a little hope. If you are someone who has pointed a finger against someone for what appeared to you to be truth, I suggest you watch this movie and understand that things are not always as they appear to be.
This movie ends without the truth being revealed to the characters in the movie but the one being accused is "set free." I believe that God will "set us free" when falsely accused and He will make things right for us in His time but I also believe that those who did not seek out truth, will be left to their consequences as well. God is fair and just. He does make all things new for those who seek Him.
Angels Among Us
Wednesday, January 4, 2012
Born to do what??
With that being said, how do I know I was born to write. It's much like how I know I was born to be a mom. I love it. I'm passionate about it. It consumes me. Just like I love every step of being pregnant and mom, I love every step of the writing process. I cannot go to sleep at night without spending some time with a pen and paper in my hand or in front of my laptop. Writing has become an extension of me. Those who know me best would agree that I express myself best through the written word. I love that I can inspire and encourage others with my words. It's just like being a mom. My kids learn and are encouraged by the things that I teach them. They succeed because of my encouragement. It's like that with my writing. People read what I have to say and are encouraged and inspired. That's an amazing feeling.
When I was younger, I didn't care much for writing. I did dabble in writing fiction stories and even won a contest once but I was never passionate about it. I didn't realize that I had a passion for writing until I figured out what it was that I was passionate about and then the writing began flowing out of me.
I love sharing Christ. I love sharing my faith. I love sharing my stories in hopes of helping or encouraging another in need of hope. I know that God has given me this time of waiting in order to open my heart to great things. He has something in store for me and is giving me amazing opportunities to help others. If my situation was not what it is right now, I would not have this opportunity. I am confident in His time, His plan and His purpose for my life.
In 2001 I wrote two books and a half of another. Neither are anything that need to be published, worthy of being published or will ever be read by anyone other than those that I allowed to read them but I did it. I know it can be done. Today I was contacted by a publishing company. Nothing big, Someone small who follows me on Twitter. They felt I had something that needed to be shared. Something simple that will allow me to share my stories with those out there who need encouragement and hope. I'm capable of writing. I love to write and I know that I have a story to tell about a God who is faithful, loving and full of grace. God is good and when we wait on Him and follow Him in obedience, He opens doors and gives us great opportunities. Praise God for His unending goodness and faithfulness!!
Tuesday, January 3, 2012
The Magic of the right kind of Fashion
My job may not be the most impressive but it is a blessing and a gift from God. When there are so many without jobs, it is by far an answer to prayer when a woman has been a mom for fourteen years and is hired on the spot, given the opportunity to work. I am thankful!
Not only am I thankful for the job but am BEYOND thankful for the things being learned. Today I share with you the secrets I've learned from my small amount of time on the sales floor.
- People are persnickety! People go to a great deal of trouble to find the perfect fragrance. I have literally spent an hour with a customer testing every fragrance in the store only to have them walk out purchasing the same fragrance they walked in wearing.
- Be careful where you purchase your fragrances! If you are buying it in a cheap in a discount store, chances are it's old and about to expire. Yes fragrances DO have a shelf life and are removed from high end stores after they have been sitting too long. This means your local discount stores are getting those left overs and selling them at a lower price.
- Many women need to be taught how to apply make-up and what colors look best. Blue eye shadow does NOT look good on everybody! Red lipstick cannot be wore by everyone! Blush should not appear as stripes on our cheeks! If you're unsure, visit your local cosmetic counter or call up your local Mary Kay Representative and allow them to teach you the correct application of your cosmetics.
- Good skin care DOES work! No one believes I am 36. I pretty much get that I don't look more than 25 every time I work at the cosmetic counter. Ladies are always asking what products I use and want those products. The secret to good skin care is not a creme or lotion but instead a tool. It is called the Clarisonic Mia and it is AMAZING!! (can be found on QVC for an excellent price) It works and though it is pricey, it decreases your need for foundation, moisturizer, and all the other crap we apply to our faces to appear younger saving money in the long run.
- Women who could be grandmothers or who are should NOT be wearing leggings much less riding boots. This was pointed out to me by my soon to be fourteen year old. I get we all want to feel younger but seriously ladies, let's wear things that are age appropriate. It's not classy at all!
- The handbag we carry is essential to our outfit and speaks volumes to our fashion sense and style. Picking out a handbag is not always about comfort or practicality. Our handbag makes a huge statement in regards to our understanding of the latest trends and styles. Your handbag does NOT have to match your shoes. That's old school! Mix it up! Carry something colorful, metallic or bold! Something that grabs the attention of others and screams your confident!
- Jewelry is an accessory. Yes there are pricey pieces we own and are proud to wear but every fashionista should own some bold fashion pieces to add fun to any outfit. Big chunky necklaces or bracelets and large rings are always fun and dress up any dingy outfit.
- Black IS the essential color to have in your wardrobe. Anyone who knows me knows that I have always worn a lot of black. Something about wearing black made me feel more confident. This makes Macy's by dream job because our dress code is all black. LOVE it! What I've learned is that you wear black and spice it up by just adding some color. Scarves are amazing! They come in a variety of styles, colors and textures and add flair to a black top. You can dress up a plain old black t-shirt by simply throwing a great scarf over your shoulders.
- Every woman wants to feel beautiful! I always find something to compliment a female customer about when I'm helping them. Being a woman who has/had seriously low self-esteem, I know what a small compliment can do. Every woman is beautiful in their own way. You just have to help them find it. It took me a long time to find something about myself that I liked or thought was beautiful but the shopping public has helped me in that way. Just a small compliment makes my day so I've learned to pay it forward and help other women feel good about themselves.
- I can stand in heels for eight hours while working! This is HUGE for me! I hate heels. Yes my feet hurt at the end of the day but by wearing them, my posture is better and my confidence greater!
Monday, January 2, 2012
Literary Wonders lead to Life Changing Moments
There is so much to I could go on about but I'm going to choose to touch on the incredible highlights and positive memories of 2011 this week.
In 2011, I spent A LOT of time in a variety of different bookstores. Barnes and Noble, being one, became a second home for me. I spent countless time sitting on the floor reading through books and having great theological discussions with my best friend. Today I want to share a few of the array of books I have had the privilege of reading this past year. They are books that have literally changed my life as well as my walk. (You will see a theme as you scan over the books I've read. I kind of had a favorite author this past year)
- When God Whispers Your Name- Max Lucado
- Do you find it hard to believe that the One who made everything keeps your name on His heart and on His lips? Did you realize that your name is written on the hand of God (Is. 49:16)? Perhaps you've never seen your name honored. And you can't remember when you heard it spoken with kindness. In this book, Lucado offers the inspiration to believe that God has already bought the ticket-with your name on it.
- I started off 2011 with this book in my hand. It forever changed my view of how God saw me and thought of me. It was heart changing!
- In the Eye of the Storm- Max Lucado
- Come face-to-face with Jesus when He experienced more stress than any other day of his life aside from his crucifixion. Before the morning became evening, he has reason to weep, run, shout, curse, praise, and doubt. If you know what it means to be caught in life's storms…if you've ever ridden the roller coaster of sorrow and celebration…if you've ever wondered if God in heaven can relate to you on earth, then this book will encourage and inspire you.
- This book should be self explanatory. If Christ endured the cross for me then surely I can endure any hardship and storm without doubting His love and faithfulness.
- He Still Moves Stones_Max Lucado
- Why does the Bible contain so many stories of hurting people? Though their situations vary, their conditions don't. They have nowhere to turn. Yet before their eyes stands a never-say-die Galilean who majors in stepping in when everyone else steps out. Lucado reminds us that the purpose of these portraits isn't to tell us what Jesus did-but rather to remind us what Jesus still does.
- This book was AMAZING! It inspired me and reminded me that I have a purpose and that God has a plan!
- A Gentle Thunder- Max Lucado
- How far do you want God to go in getting your attention?Don't answer too quickly. Give it some thought.What if God moved you to another land? As he did Abraham. What if he called you out of retirement? Remember Moses? How about the voice of an angel or the bowel of a fish? A la Gideon and Jonah. How about a promotion like Daniel's or a demotion like Samson's?God does what it takes to get our attention.It's the message of the Bible. It's the message of this book: the relentless pursuit of God. God on the hunt. God in the search. Peeking under the bed for hiding kids, stirring the bushes for lost sheep. Searching, wrestling, pulling us back to him, over and over again.Kind, then stern. Tender and tough. Faithfully firm. Patiently urgent. Eagerly tolerant. Softly shouting. Gently thundering.God is the pilot and we are the passengers. Though we may not understand his hand, we can always trust his heart. We can trust him to do what's right.
- This book was amazing! Sometimes in the middle of our storms it is so loud we become lost. IT becomes difficult to hear God's voice because of the chaos but I have learned that He will do whatever is necessary in order to get my attention!
- Never Give Up! - Joyce Meyer
- Joyce Meyer is probably better equipped than anyone when it comes to never giving up. She overcame an abused childhood, a bad marriage and extremely limited opportunities to become one of the most popular author/speakers in the world. Joyce Meyer Ministries was the first ministry in America to be headed by a woman, and it's one of the largest in the world. If anyone knows how to hold on to a dream and realize it, it's her. Packed with examples of people who pursued their goals relentlessly, the book profiles nearly fifty individuals who prevailed against all odds. From the builder of the Brooklyn Bridge to the chemists who invented Post-It notes we meet people like Bessie Coleman, an African-American who had to go to flight school in Paris in order to learn how to fly. But she did, becoming the first woman in America to earn her pilot's license in 1920.
- My mom bought me this book three years ago. For two and a half it sat on my side table where it belonged until God pressed upon my heart the need to dive in and read this book. Little did my mom know that one day this book would change my faith and my ability to fight through the strength of Christ and Christ alone.
- And the Angels were Silent- Max Lucado
- In And the Angels Were Silent, one of Max Lucado's most insightful and moving book ever, he'll lead you from Friday's defeat to Sunday's victory. Like never before, believers and seekers alike will see Christ's passion, sense His power, and hear His promise.
- This book served as a reminder to me that no matter how final things seem to appear, God ALWAYS has the victory! He alone control all things and is faithful to His promises!!
- In the Grip of Grace-Max Lucado
- SAFE IN HIS ARMSLIFE IS FULL OF FUMBLES AND STUMBLES. Fraught with opportunities to make mistakes, occasions to feel guilty, and the drive to "do it yourself." The pressure to be self-sufficient is high, but it isn't the life God offers.The way of the world will direct you to try harder and work smarter so that you can take care of yourself and even make yourself successful. But the way of the cross will point toward the place where you stop striving...stop pushing...stop every self-initiated effort—so that you can fall into the boundless, liberating, refreshing grace of God!Just imagine being love-driven instead of self-propelled. Imagine abandoning your life to Jesus instead of trying to save yourself. Can you imagine exchanging your fears for the peace that passes understanding? Being relaxed and free instead of stressed out and anxious? If you can imagine enjoying God instead of trying to repay him, then you can imagine grace.So go ahead! jump off the cliff of self-sufficiency. Leap out of legalism. Walk off the pier of guilt and condemnation. That's the only way you'll land in the strong arms of the Father who loves you...the Father who catches you—everytime—in the grip of his grace.
- I have spent years living the lie of legalism. I was beaten down by the condemnation of those around me and lost sight of my Heavenly Father. I felt I had to live life on my own and without making any mistakes because I thought you had to "earn" love. I only fell and I fell hard. Praise God, He was there to catch me! Praise God, He picked me up and wiped away the tears! Praise God, He has lavished me with His love and grace and given me a new life!
- So You don't Want to go to Church Anymore-Wayne Jacobsen and Dave Coleman
- So this was the only work of fiction I finished all the way through this year and let me just say that out of every book I read, this IS a much read. If you've been hurt by a church or disappointed by the dealings of what is happening within the walls of your church, you have to read this book. You will walk away with an entirely different view of God's ideal church.
- Heaven is for Real-Todd Burpo
- This is a must read as well! The view of heaven and Jesus through the eyes of a child. This is a true story written by the father of Colton, a little boy who died and saw heaven. It brought me to tears but made me excited for heaven! READ IT!
- Crazy Love-Francis Chan
- God is love. Crazy, relentless, all-powerful love. Have you ever wondered if we're missing it? It's crazy, if you think about it. The God of the universe—the Creator of nitrogen and pine needles, galaxies and E-minor—loves us with a radical, unconditional, self-sacrificing love. And what is our typical response? We go to church, sing songs, and try not to cuss. Whether you've verbalized it yet or not, we all know something's wrong. Does something deep inside your heart long to break free from the status quo? Are you hungry for an authentic faith that addresses the problems of our world with tangible, even radical, solutions? God is calling you to a passionate love relationship with Himself. Because the answer to religious complacency isn't working harder at a list of do's and don'ts-it's falling in love with God. And once you encounter His love, as Francis describes it, you will never be the same. Because when you're wildly in love with someone, it changes everything.
- Crazy! This book is crazy in a good way! After experiencing the heartache and betrayal of people that I thought loved and cared about me I began to doubt God's love as well. Thankfully I stumbled upon this book when I read the status of a friend on Facebook and thought I would give it a read. If you have ever questioned God's love for you then I highly recommend this book!
- How Good is Good enough- Andy Stanley
- Surely there's more than one way to get to heaven? Bestselling author Andy Stanley addresses this popular belief held even among Christians. But believing that all good people go to heaven raises major problems, Stanley reveals. Is goodness not rewarded, then? Is Christianity not fair? Maybe not, he says. Readers will find out why Jesus taught that goodness is not even a requirement to enter heaven - and why Christianity is beyond fair. Andy Stanley leads believers and skeptics alike to a grateful awareness of God's enormous grace and mercy. Good People Go to Heaven...Don’t They? Sure they do. It only makes sense. Actually, it doesn’t really make any sense at all. Smart, educated, accomplished men and women everywhere are banking their eternities on a theory that doesn’t hold water. Chances are, you’ve never really thought it through. But you owe it to yourself to do so.
- I wish I could buy this book and pass it out to everyone. So many people walk around with the attitude that life isn't fair. After the misguided Rob Bell book this is a refreshing read that will give you some real food for thought. Definitely word the read and a great book for churches to hand out to their members