Christmas will different in our home this year. My kiddos won't be getting the loads of gifts they have received in the past. This is not a bad thing.
Last year on Christmas morning I took two of my five into downtown Raleigh to pass out shoes to those in need. It was a morning that changed Christmas for me.
I have always had the desire to spend my holidays serving, ministering and loving on others. I have longed for the opportunity to share that with my children and to serve as a family. I have longed to see that in the hearts of my children. It is happening.
The two that helped last year have repeatedly asked if we would be helping again this year. Huge smiles for mom along with the added bonus of a warm heart. Two of the other kiddos who missed the opportunity last year are excited to be a part this year. Yay!
Last year changed the hearts of the two that helped. After seeing children on Christmas morning who were thrilled to be receiving new shoes, their gifts back home didn't seem quite as important. You see I purposely did not allow them to open all their gifts before we left Christmas morning as we were waiting for the return of their siblings in order to have Christmas as a family. When leaving the house that morning, they were not overly thrilled about going but once we returned home from passing out shoes, their interests were not as great in the presents found under the tree.
There is a reason we are called to serve. There is a reason we are called to love. Happiness does not come from stuff. My children have spent years being given all that their little hearts desired but were never truly happy. My goal has now become to teach them to fill their hearts with Jesus and loving others. There and only there will they find their true happiness. There is no better way to find happiness then taking the focus off of ourselves and loving on others.
Share your time this Christmas with others who need that extra bit of love. I promise you will experience great amounts of joy and happiness!
Merry Christmas!
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