Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Go with the flow...

For the past few weeks, life has been full steam ahead.  I worked more in the month of May than any other month, which feels SO good.  I have found such satisfaction in working and getting a paycheck.  For many years, I felt trapped and never knew what I had or how much there was in the account to buy groceries. That has all changed.

Is there a budget?  NO.  I have five kids and have yet successfully to figure out how to stick to a budget.  I make a plan but then suddenly someone needs something and my plan falls apart.  I am learning to go with the flow and for now, it works.

I do not freak out over money.  We do not have a ton and oftentimes, bills pop up and I do not have a dollar to my name.  Then suddenly I randomly check my bank account and lo and behold, there is money in my account.  Those are always the moments when I know God is providing.

Because I work for about twenty different companies, my pay comes from twenty different companies randomly throughout the month.  It can be a little inconvenient but I am learning to adjust, not worry and trust God for all things.

It will take some time for me finally to get to the place where I no longer have to have the help of my parents to survive.  This is a new thing for me.  It's just me and five kids.  Most people go from home, to being married and then the kids  It's a bit tricky suddenly going from having your financial needs taken care of by a spouse to being alone with five kids and no money.

I count it a blessing to be doing what I am doing at the moment.  The pay and hours are good and soon enough I have faith that God is going to take care of the rest.  Until then, I will continue to praise God for His faithfulness thus far.

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