Saturday, August 27, 2011


I decided to make a list of all God has provided since our move.  Now be mindful that this is not everything.  There is no way I can remember every single things as it has been many and I did not write them all day.  My purpose though for this post is simply to share the faithfulness of God in my life as well my children.

A home: We were forced to leave our home but God provided us with a place to live through a friend.

Food: Between friends and neighbors we have received countless bags of groceries.  God provided me with a job where some of the groceries I purchase are reimbursed. Our pantry and fridge have yet to be empty.

Car battery: The battery in my car died and a new one was purchased by friends.

Dinners out: God provided me with a job that allows me to take the kids out every once in a while where I am reimbursed for what I spend.

Vacation: God provided my kids their annual trip to the beach through my parents.

Cats: We were able to bring our cats with us to our town home and did not have to pay the pet deposit. God provided a job that reimburses me for the purchase of many of the cats needs. 

New appliances: The complex in which we live completed upgrades throughout the community giving us all new  appliances which are more energy efficient. 

Safety: God protected our home from a fire.

I know this list goes on.  There is so much more.  For me, this list serves at an amazing reminder.  God is faithful. He provides our every need.  We have no need to fear tomorrow. 

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